
I'm an eclectic reader.

The End of Vandalism

The End of Vandalism - Tom Drury, Paul Winner Like Richard Russo but with edge, sophistication of style and subtle darkness.

One of my favorite passages:

Tiny had to wait in line behind two young women - a tall one in embroidered denim and another one with straight black hair - who were looking at the course catalogue.
"I'm thinking about Rock Poets," said the taller one.
"Who are they doing this semester?"
"Tom Petty and Wallace Stevens."

And another:

Mary had read in Reader's Digest about an Indian man who could slow his heart to a standstill by thinking abot it.
Louise said she sometimes wondered if she or Dan didn't have powers of mind over matter, because so much of their silverware was bent.

You can tell there's some bourgeois mysticism, a little camp but not in a way that sacrifices character. Character is king in Drury's works.

Currently reading

Golden Son
Pierce Brown
Lumberjanes, Volume 1
Grace Ellis, Noelle Stevenson, Brooke Allen
Reference and Information Services: An Introduction, Fourth Edition
Richard E. Bopp, Linda C. Smith